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Home Blog Enhance Your Look with Nose Surgery

Enhance Your Look with Nose Surgery

If you are ready for a cosmetic makeover and have always been self-conscious about your nose, talk to us about the benefits of nose surgery. Nose reshaping surgery, otherwise known as rhinoplasty, can transform your look even with a subtle modification. We can reshape and resize the nose to restore facial symmetry and give you a more attractive facial profile. If you want to look and feel your best, consider the benefits of rhinoplasty to achieve a more harmonious facial appearance.

Key Reasons to Consider Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is still the second-most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States. If you have always been self-conscious about the look of your nose and are ready to make a positive change in your life, undergoing nose surgery may be right for you. The perfectly-sculpted nose can balance out your facial features and help you to feel more self-confident.

You might consider rhinoplasty if you are bothered by any of the following:

  • Droopy tip
  • Crooked nose
  • Crooked bridge
  • Large bump along the nose
  • Excessively large or small nose or bridge
  • Hooked or upturned nose
  • Asymmetrical nose shape
  • Obstructed airways

Some patients undergo rhinoplasty to improve breathing and restore healthy sleep. Others want nose surgery in Costa Mesa simply for cosmetic reasons. Whatever the case may be for you, we are here to make sure you undergo a customized procedure that will enhance your look for life.

What to Expect with Nose Surgery in Costa Mesa

Your rhinoplasty procedure is customized for your unique goals, and we will make sure you have a realistic idea of what to expect from the procedure. Looking at rhinoplasty before and after photos can give you a fair idea of what types of results are possible with our nose reshaping techniques. We perform this procedure under general anesthesia and will work to reshape the bone and cartilage so we can achieve your ideal result. You will need to take up to two weeks off work after surgery because there will be significant bruising and swelling.

If you have low self-esteem or low self-confidence because of the look of your nose, you may be a great candidate for rhinoplasty in Costa Mesa. Schedule your Costa Mesa nose surgery consultation at UCI Plastic Surgery today!