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Category Archives: Non-Surgical

Facial Rejuvenation Treatments for Spring

Thank goodness spring is in full, glorious bloom after a winter of wearing masks and spending most of our time indoors. As a result, you might have noticed your skin looks dry and dull. Now that many Americans have gotten vaccinated and are beginning to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel,...Read More

Which Injectable Is Right for Me?

  With so many injectable treatments available, it can get a little confusing trying to figure out the best product for your cosmetic goals. BOTOX and dermal fillers can provide aesthetic benefits, but they function differently. For this reason, it is essential to know the concerns you are targeting to determine which injectable is best...Read More

Popular Procedures Around Valentine’s Day | Orange County, CA

                            February brings us Valentine’s Day, the time of year you want to fall in love with yourself again. It’s the best time to finally get started on those overdue beauty treatments and, with them, a much-needed dose of fun, romance, and...Read More

3 Procedures to Freshen Up Your Face for the New Year

As you look ahead to the new year, why not consider a treat for yourself? Something to make you look younger and feel better about yourself. Here are three ideas for facial procedures that can set back the clock on your appearance. Laser Skin Resurfacing As you grow older, your skin gradually loses its youthful...Read More

Restore a Younger Look On Time for the 4th with Juvéderm

The 4th of July is just around the corner and you may have already Googled some solutions to hide your signs of aging before that upcoming barbecue with your friends and family. Some of the telltale signs of aging around the face are sunken cheeks and hollows around the eyes. If you want to freshen up...Read More

Rejuvenate Your Look with Juvéderm

Injectable fillers are one of the most popular ways to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines without surgery. If you aren’t getting any results with alternatives such as topical treatments or light therapy, talk to us about the benefits of Juvéderm. Juvéderm is one of the most used dermal fillers on the market because it...Read More