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Category Archives: Facial Implants

Home Face Facial Implants

Enhance and Rejuvenate Your Look with Facial Implants

Sunken cheeks and hollowed areas around the face can make you look much older than your real age. Whether this occurs because of genetics or the natural aging process, consider the benefits of facial implants to restore a youthful look and refine contours in just the right places. Collagen injections, laser resurfacing, and injectable fillers are some...Read More

Enhance Your Look for the Holiday Season with Cheek Augmentation

One of the signs of youth is full, plump cheeks, but many people lose the fullness in their face as they get older. If you are noticing your face has a gaunt appearance, or your cheeks appear sunken in, talk to us about the benefits of a cheek augmentation procedure. This facial surgery procedure can...Read More

Am I a Good Candidate for Facial Implants?

With so many cosmetic enhancement options on the market, it can be pretty easy to get overwhelmed by all of the different products, procedures, and techniques out there. Do you opt for a facelift? Or will a filler like Botox® or Juvéderm® do the trick? Maybe you’ve tried a few different approaches, but they just haven’t given you the results...Read More