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Latissimus Flap Reconstruction in Orange County, CA

Breast Reconstruction with the Latissimus Dorsi Flap Technique

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Latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction uses skin, tissue and blood vessels from the upper back to recreate the breast mound after cancerous breast tissue has been removed with a mastectomy.

Although mastectomy is a life-saving procedure, the loss of a breast often leaves the patient feeling incomplete and insecure. With breast reconstruction, women can keep their natural curves and be cancer-free. The Latissimus Flap technique is one among several breast reconstruction procedures offered at UCI Plastic Surgery in Southern California.

Reasons to Choose the Latissimus Dorsi Flap Technique

Latissimus dorsi reconstruction is suitable for patients who are not candidates for other breast reconstruction techniques, typically because of:

  • Previous abdominal surgery
  • Insufficient remaining tissue to support breast implants.

If a plastic surgeon at UCI Plastic Surgery recommends the Latissimus dorsi flap technique, your surgical plan will be determined and you will receive instruction regarding what to expect before, during and after surgery.


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UCI Plastic Surgery is a leader in the field of cosmetic surgery. Each of our specialists is highly knowledgeable, trained, and committed to bringing our patients the latest advancements in the field. Learn how our experts can help you obtain industry-leading results by scheduling a consultation today.

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FAQ About Latissimus Dorsi Flap in Orange County

Listed below are answers to common questions about Lat Flap breast reconstruction at UCI Plastic Surgery in Southern California. If you have further questions, please contact our plastic surgery office in Orange County.

How does the Latissimus Dorsi Flap work?

During surgery, the doctor removes a section of donor tissue from the mid-upper back and transplants it, along with its blood supply, to the chest area. Blood vessels of the donor tissue are tunneled beneath the skin. The tissues are then shaped to recreate a new breast. Because it is a rather complex procedure, the patient is asleep under a general anesthetic.

What should I expect during recovery from Latissimus Dorsi Flap breast reconstruction?

Patients typically spend 1 to 3 days recuperating in our facility. When they are discharged, they often need assistance around the house for a few days. Recovery lasts about three to six weeks. After that, revision and touch-up procedures may be scheduled several weeks later.

Are additional procedures required?

After latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction is complete, later stages of breast reconstruction may include breast implant placement using a tissue expander, or reconstruction of the nipple and areola.

Why should I choose UCI Plastic Surgery for Latissimus Flap breast reconstruction?

Several plastic surgeons at UCI Plastic Surgery have a special focus on free flap breast reconstruction and the Latissimus Flap technique.

Schedule a Consultation in Orange County

To learn more about breast reconstruction in Orange County, please contact one of our offices in Orange County for a consultation. Our plastic surgery practice is located in the city of Orange, CA. View a map to our practice or use the online form to contact us.

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