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Why Young Adults Are Considering Body Contouring Procedures | Orange County, CA

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March 29, 2021 | Arm Lift, Body, body contouring, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Thigh Lift, Tummy Tuck, UCI Plastic Surgery
4 minute read

Obesity isn’t only a problem faced by adults in the United States. It has become an epidemic that affects a swath of the population, with one in six children now considered obese. Being significantly overweight as a young adult puts people at greater risk for health problems, especially as they grow older.

Despite switching to a healthy diet and becoming more active, some young adults still might need additional help from bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight-loss surgery. Studies have shown sustained weight loss after undergoing this procedure because the surgery reduces the stomach’s size, resulting in patients tending to eat less during meals.

The Disadvantage of Losing Large Amounts of Weight

Unfortunately, losing significant amounts of weight can result in skin that has become saggy and loose across much of the body. While the patient might be happy with the new number on the scale, their body fat percentage, and their body mass index, they could be less than pleased by the appearance of their abdomen, hips, upper arms, and thighs, or other parts of their body.

After significant weight loss, plastic surgery by experts like the doctors at UCI Plastic Surgery in Orange County, CA, can help improve the appearance of the regions of the body most affected.

What Is Driving Young Adults to Consider Plastic Surgery?

With the enduring popularity of sharing selfies on social media, teenagers and young adults find themselves under constant pressure to look their best. As a result, those who have lost significant weight might seek to enhance their appearance by removing the excess skin with plastic surgery.

How Can Young Adults Benefit From Body Contouring Surgery?

Body contouring is among the most common cosmetic surgeries chosen today to remove sagging skin is body contouring. Plastic surgeons with the best skills and experience help their patients feel confident about themselves with the surgical removal of their unwanted skin and fat deposits. After surgery, patients can see and feel the effects of a smoother, tighter, and firmer appearance.

UCI Plastic Surgery offers several body contouring plastic surgery procedures at various locations in the Los Angeles area. Our surgeons customize each of these to your unique requirements to address contour irregularities of the chest, trunk, and extremities, typically the result of dramatic weight loss.

Tummy Tuck

tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin to help create a flat belly. It is especially effective when combined with other body contouring procedures.


Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure to remove pockets of fat, leaving you with a smooth body outline.

Upper and Lower Body Lift

A body lift could include an upper body lift, lower body lift, or both. By removing excess fat and skin, the procedure tightens and reshapes the body after significant weight loss.

Thigh Lift

thigh lift surgical procedure removes excess skin fat and skin from the inner and outer thighs, resulting in smoother contours and better-proportioned legs. Adding liposuction to the procedure may produce even better results.

Arm Lift

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, removes loose skin and excess fat deposits from near the armpits down to the elbow.

Recovery After Body Contouring Surgery

You and your surgeon will decide on your recovery plan for these surgeries in advance, depending on the extent of the procedures. The UCI Plastic Surgery team will ensure your transition back into everyday life is as smooth as possible.

Dressings and bandages will cover the incisions, and thin, flexible tubes, known as surgical drains, will carry any excess fluid into a collection bag or bulb during initial healing.

Your surgical team will provide you with detailed instructions on medications, follow-up visits, activities to avoid, and when you can expect to return to a regular routine.

Taking the Next Step for That Body Contouring Procedure

To review the body contouring surgery options offered by our board-certified plastic surgeons at UCI Plastic Surgery, request a consultation or call us at (714) 456-3077 (Tustin, CA),  (949) 386-5700 (Newport Beach, CA), or (714) 790-8600 (Yorba Linda, CA.)

The doctors at UCI Plastic Surgery are leaders in the field of cosmetic surgery. Through their teaching and lecturing roles at UCI, they stay current with state-of-the-art techniques and technology. Continuously adding to their technical skills, they consistently produce better, more natural-looking results for their patients.

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