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The 411 on Liposuction

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November 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
3 minute read

We get a lot of questions here in our Southern California offices about liposuction. There’s so much to think about when you’re deciding on the best way for you to expel unwanted fat. To take some of the pressure off, we thought we’d give you a head start on what you need to know about the procedure. Here’s a rundown on what to consider prior to liposuction.

Is Liposuction Right for Me?

Liposuction is designed to focus on stubborn pockets of fat that diet and exercise just aren’t having any effect on. This could be in the abdomen, back, butt, thighs, arms, or the chin. Good candidates for liposuction are already close to their desired weight and they have realistic expectations of what this body-contouring procedure can do for them. Being in good health and free of any serious medical conditions is also an important factor. Although they are minimal, like with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks that accompany liposuction.

Liposuction is Not Always the Answer

Don’t think for a minute that just because you have liposuction you can continue or go back to the bad habits that may have gotten you to this point. While the removal of fat from treated areas is permanent, it’s not impossible for you to put on the weight again. You could end up gaining weight in other areas, causing uneven and unattractive contours to surrounding regions. That’s why a steady diet and exercise program are key to long-lasting results and keeping your body looking and feeling its best. We also remind all of our patients here at UCI Plastic Surgery that liposuction is not a quick fix for obesity.

Great Expectations with Liposuction

It is best to mentally prepare yourself before you actually begin the liposuction process. You will be under general anesthesia which can have a lasting effect on your state of mind. Please make arrangements for a ride home and get any prescriptions filled before the day of your liposuction so that you can completely focus on your recovery afterward. While our expert plastic surgeons are able to keep scarring through a minimum and incision points are typically concealed in strategic areas, there will be slight marks leftover. If you are interested, you can further reduce surgical scarring with fractional laser resurfacing down the road.

You can expect a little bruising and some swelling after your liposuction procedure. These symptoms will fade in the following days and weeks as your body continues to heal and recover. Most men and women are able to go back to work and their daily routine in about one week.

Most of all, you can expect to look and feel great after liposuction!

Liposuction at UCI Plastic Surgery

Learn more about liposuction by setting up a consultation with one of UCI Plastic Surgery’s knowledgeable and dedicated plastic surgeons today!

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