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Coming in for CoolSculpting? Here’s How to Get Ready for Treatment

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November 16, 2020 | CoolSculpting
3 minute read

You’ve scheduled your CoolSculpting treatment and now your appointment is fast approaching. While you’re no doubt excited to start on the path to a better, more sculpted you, there are some things that you should think about beforehand. Here are a few steps you can take to make your CoolSculpting experience a comfortable and successful one.

Be Near Your Ideal Weight

CoolSculpting is perfect for combating those pesky pockets of stubborn fat that just aren’t responding to diet and exercise. But it’s only right for those who are already pretty close to their ideal weight with a BMI of 30 or less; it’s not a substitute for significant weight reduction procedures like bypass surgery. It’s also not a substitute for leading a healthy lifestyle. And it’s never too soon to start striving to improve your well-being. Developing good diet and exercise habits before your procedure can help you to sustain them long after you’ve reached your body-sculpting goals.

Say Cheese!

CoolSculpting is an extremely effective way to contour and shape your figure. But results can take a little time to show as the body gradually gets rid of the treated fat cells through its natural elimination process. That’s why it’s a good idea to snap a few photos of yourself prior to your first procedure, as well as throughout the entire process. That way you can track your progress to really see how your body is responding to your CoolSculpting treatments. And while your UCI Plastic Surgery provider may take some before and after shots, there’s nothing like being able to see how things are going at every step of the way.

Slip into Something More Comfortable

You’ll want to dress for the occasion too. We recommend that you wear an outfit that’s loose-fitting and comfortable. Or at least bring a change of clothes if you’re coming from work or another event that requires more formal attire. That way you can just move the material around to expose the treatment area instead of having to disrobe or stretch out a tight piece of clothing.

Get Your Playlist Ready

The typical CoolSculpting treatment takes about an hour to perform. That means you’ll have a little time to kill while the device is busy working its magic. This is a perfect opportunity to catch up on your favorite show or crack that book you’ve been wanting to read. Or maybe you prefer a little productivity and want to use the time to get some work done. Whatever your pleasure, being ready to keep yourself entertained will help your body-sculpting session fly right by.

Ready, Set, Go for CoolSculpting in Southern California at UCI Plastic Surgery

Prepare yourself for the coolest fat-reduction treatment around. If you would like to learn more about CoolSculpting, please schedule your initial consultation at our Orange, Costa Mesa, or Tustin locations today. Our dedicated team is committed to helping all of our Southern California patients achieve their cosmetic enhancement goals to look their absolute best.

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