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Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery

If you start to develop feminine-looking breasts and are very self-conscious about your appearance, talk to an experienced plastic surgeon at UCI Plastic Surgery about the benefits of male breast reduction surgery. A male breast reduction procedure can restore your self-confidence and make you feel that much more comfortable without a shirt. The procedure involves removing excess tissue to create a more masculine-looking chest. As long as you have realistic expectations about the outcome of your procedure and are ready for a change, you may be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery.

Here are some of the key benefits of a male breast reduction procedure:

Improves Contours of the Chest

Overdeveloped breasts can give you a very feminine appearance and you may not be able to get the contoured look you want just by losing weight or increasing muscle mass. This procedure involves removing excess tissue to create more attractive contours.

Creates a Chiseled and Masculine Look

No matter how much you work out and eat healthy, you may not be able to get the chiseled look you want when you have enlarged breasts. This procedure can create a chiseled and masculine look by removing excess fat and tightening up the chest area.

Incision Sites Easy to Hide

We make very small incisions in the pigmented areas around the areola or inside the armpits, and these are very easy to hide. We need to make incisions to perform a targeted liposuction procedure and to remove some of the excess tissue. In some cases, surgical incisions may be made in the natural crease under the breast.

If you are self-conscious about enlarged or overdeveloped breasts, consider the benefits of a male breast reduction in Orange County. It is considered to be a relatively safe procedure and has very few complications. You will need to wear an elastic compression garment around the treatment area to reduce swelling and discomfort after surgery.

For more information about the benefits of male breast reduction in Orange County, schedule your consultation with one of the experienced surgeons at UCI Plastic Surgery today!