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Home Blog 4 Expert Tips! How to Visualize Your Breast Augmentation Without Worry

4 Expert Tips! How to Visualize Your Breast Augmentation Without Worry

For many women, visualizing how they will look with breast implants is one of the most difficult aspects of breast augmentation. It is completely understandable to be intimidated and somewhat unsure of just what implant will ultimately help you achieve your ideal bust line. At UCI Plastic Surgery, it is our goal to ensure that you are confident with your implant of choice as you go forward with your breast augmentation.

Consider More than Size

Size is often considered the single most important detail when it comes to choosing an implant. While the size does matter, there a number of other factors to consider including the shape (round or teardrop shaped) and texture (smooth or texturized) of the implant, the fill (silicone or saline), and implant position as well as the placement of the implant (above or below the breast muscle). Each of these is a critical component and can impact the results of your breast augmentation.

Look for Inspiration

We encourage our patients to bring along a few photographs of breasts that they find aesthetically pleasing. You can also get ideas by taking a look at UCI Plastic Surgery’s breast augmentation before and after gallery. Through your words and pictures, your surgeon is able to get a better idea of what you are hoping to achieve from your breast augmentation. The better we can understand your goals, the better we are able to cater and tailor your procedure around them.

Have Realistic Expectations

While it never hurts to look to others for inspiration, we do remind each of our patients that breast augmentation must be consistent with your figure. What looks good on one woman may not have the same affect when your body and proportions are taken into account. Be open to suggestions and know that while your surgeon may not be able to duplicate another woman’s breasts, they are likely able to emulate certain aspects of what you like best.

Consult with an Expert

Nothing is more paramount to the success of your surgery than finding a board certified plastic surgeon that you are comfortable with. Breast augmentation is as much of an art as it is a science. Your surgeon must have a keen aesthetic understanding as well as the experience and technical skills. A good plastic surgeon will not only guide you in the right direction, but also help you feel confident with your decision.

Breast Augmentation at UCI Plastic Surgery

We understand just how unnerving the element of the unknown can be. As you go through your breast augmentation our team at UCI Plastic Surgery makes every attempt to ensure that you are able to comfortable and able to visualize beautiful and successful results. Please schedule a consultation to meet with one of UCI’s plastic surgeons.